Thursday, October 14, 2010

Align your Passion, Purpose & Power for 2011

I just came back from our wonderful home in sunny Arizona. Always such a treat.!
At this time of year, the neighborhood is busy getting ready for Halloween. They will close our short crescent street so the kids can safely wonder around 'ghost town'.
Then they will replace the pumpkin, the ghost and the witch for Santa Claus, the angels and the reindeer.
But [and] before that, we need to go through November. For a lot of people, November is a month where they start questioning their lives, their careers, their relationships or their lack of it, themselves and others.
Perhaps because of the cold and grey days we get here in North America, after the beautiful leaves have fallen from the trees, there is some type of sadness and even depression for some.
So I came up with this idea of tatoo!!

Just kidding!
I felt inspired in doing an 'uplifting' seminar which will help you find answers to those and more of your questions. You don't have to wait for the New Year to make new resolutions and take action. Every second, every minute, everyday of your life, you have a choice.
And in order to make choices, you need [want] to know what are the most important things for you in your life.

In this seminar you will:
 Discover your top 5 passions.
 Find out, what it is that stops you from living these passions.
 Learn to meet your thoughts and understand them.
 And more…be Inspired.

So if you are ready to live your Dream Life, a life of Passion, and be on track with your soul's purpose, then it might be the perfect time for you to consider this seminar.
Just go to Passionicity and sign up.
And if you know of someone that is going through a tough time, or could use a little bit more laughter & accomplishment in their lives, why not invite them to come along as well.