Monday, January 10, 2011

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

'N' for Natural

The rain is being the rain, the tree is being the tree, the rock is being the rock, the wind is being the wind.
Have you ever seen the rock trying to be the wind? Or the tree trying to be the rain?
Of course not! That's because they have totally and completely accepted their uniqueness of what they are. They are fully and completely living their purpose.

What can't we just do the same?
Why do we need to make it so complicated for ourselves and for others?
Why do we have the urge to hide so much? Why do we constantly try to be something or someone we are not?

It's time to take a closer look at the meaning of the word PASSION.
When you live your Passions you are unstoppeable.
When you become your Passions you blossom.
As you blossom, people start blossoming around you.

'O' for Opportunity.

The seed of opportunity lies every where around you and you certainly don't have to wait for someone to knock on your door to make it happen. Do it now. Create your own.
With every thought comes a choice. With every choice comes an opportunity.
When to act on these opportunities? When you know who you are, when you know your values and when you know your passions, you will know when an opportunity takes you closer to your purpose.
Opportunities are changes in life. And many people are afraid of changes, afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone. Remember this quote: "Change is the only constant". So why fight it? Embrace it and become free.

'I' for Inspiration

Inspiration is who and what you are.
Your emptiness becomes your fullness. Your stillness becomes your aliveness.
When you find it difficult to do a particular thing, it is only because you are blocking your own inspiration [your true essence], with thoughts, memory and beliefs.
So how do we get rid of these thoughts? How do we erase these memories?
By being aware of them. The more aware, the more conscious you become of them, the more they will dissapear as they are only illusions. Just pinched yourself once in a while!

I am sure you have realized by now, that everything always comes back to the same thing. Who's blocking you? Who's stopping you? You are.
You are, because instead of trusting your inspiration, you trust your beliefs and your thoughts.
As you are reading this, be aware of the thought that comes on the surface. Now, 'grab' that thought and spend some time with it. Where did this thought come from? How was she generated? How does she make you feel? If the thought does not make you feel good, then let it go and see if another thought would like to take it's place. Keep on doing this until no more thoughts come in conflict with your Inspiration!

"S" for Strength

What is Strength?
Strength is the courage, the power, the desire, the passion to live your 'strengths' fully.
What our your strengths?
Strengths are special talents and abilities unique to each of us. Unique strengths are your individual gifts, what makes you unique.
If your strengths are your special talents why would you need strength or courage to live them fully? Doesn't it sound a little paradoxical to you? Of course it does, but that's what so many people believe. And because they believe this thought, they are not living authentically.
How about you? Are you living your life, being who you really are? If your answer is no, then ask yourself why are you scared to acknowledge and accept who you are?
Are you afraid to sing because you assume others won't be interested? Are you afraid to speak your truth because you think it won't be respected? Are you afraid to be yourself because of what people may think or do? What is stopping you? Only YOU is stopping YOU.
As you start living your true self, you will also give the opportunity to others to live their true self and suddenly you will experience a whole different energy.
Honouring who you are is very powerful