Thursday, September 8, 2011

Win a Signed Copy of Adventures in Manifesting: Health and Happiness

How would you like to win a free copy of the upcoming Adventures in Manifesting series? It's easy.
Here's how to do it:
Step 1: Subscribe to my blog through the Join this Site to the right.
Step 2: Be sure to get engaged in the blog posts over the next couple of months. I promise it will be very inspiring.

Each week over the next several weeks I will be asking "What Are You Manifesting?" in addition to other mentions from my blog posts.
Please engage in the conversation, start the process of manifesting yourself and you very well may find yourself the happy winner of Adventures in Manifesting: Health and Happiness signed by me.:) Plus you will make lots of new friends.

In about a month from now I'll be choosing the winner, as well as releasing for a limited time pre-release copies of the books for sale.

So here's my first...What are You Manifesting?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Time to share!

After a nice round of golf here in Arizona, it is time for me to share the book cover of my first published book as a co-author. If you click here you will see a bigger image.

As you can imagine being part of a book with Dr. Joe Vitale, from the Secret, Loral Langemeier and so many more talented authors is a moment of gratefulness in my life.

I am grateful for all my blessing. I am especially grateful to my partner Stan for all his patience and understanding. It is not always easy to live with a 'free spirit'. You can't tie them down. You want to let them SOAR!

This is part of the title of my own individual book coming out soon. But hey in the publishing world you never know what can happen!.

In the meantime it would be great if you could leave me some comments about Adventures in Manifesting. Let me know if you would like an autographed copy :),just say HI! or jump in for marketing ideas.

Thank you for your support, your listening and your secret passions.

What Are You Manifesting?

Exciting news!My book is coming out. It's called Adventures in Manifesting: Health and Happiness.It's with Dr. Joe Vitale, Loral Langemeier, Sandy Forster and many others. It has been an exciting adventure! The book was lovingly crafted by Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson all the way from Australia.

I would like to hear about you. What are you manifesting? It's a powerful question and one I recommend asking yourself and those around you. In fact, you may be pleasantly surprised as to in what ways this question will initiate manifestations in you life.
Engage in the power of manifesting by asking this question. And please leave a comment on what you are Manifesting today?

Make sure to stay tuned as the book cover will be posted real soon now! Thank you for you support.