Tuesday, December 21, 2010

'S' for Sincerity

One of the accepted etymology is: "Without wax".
Derived from two Latin words, "sine"=without and "cera"=wax. Or 'without' artifice, natural, raw.
Or Pure, Whole, Genuine.

For me it is living your Truth.
Being & Living your True Self. Living your Purpose, your Passions.

Are you being true to yourself and others?
Do you mean everything that you say and do?
Are you sincere in every hug that you give?
Where is your smile coming from: your heart or your fear?

To be Sincere and to receive Sincerity is one of the biggest gift of Life.
Try it now. With a friend, a family member, a colleague, or simply with yourself.
And feel the magic!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

There are NO LIMITS!

I know about Nick for a while now but I forgot how inspiring he is to listen to.
And today a friend of mine sent me a link to one of his video. I watch it in AWE!
And then I decided to post this other video on my blog, so I can watch it every morning and REMEMBER! I am inviting you to do so.
My next post is coming soon and it's about the letter "A".

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Passion Quote

"Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion." Hebbel
"A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position." John Maxwell

I just came up with this idea of making those letters come 'alive'. And this is what it looks like:


Do you already feel the 'uplifting' effect of those few words? That's what living your Passions feels like and more. So why not Be Yourself? Be a Star!

There are many types of Passions. Passion for a work. Passion for a religion. Passion for a person. Passion for food. Passion for a sport. Passion to sing and dance. And so many more. As there are many types of Passionate people. Which includes the Dreamer and the Visionary.

The Dreamer waits for opportunities to come to him.The Visionary creates opportunities for himself. The Dreamer dream about things being different. The Visionary envision himself making a difference. The Dreamer think first and seldom jump. The Visionary jump first and later think.

Which one are you?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Align your Passion, Purpose & Power for 2011

I just came back from our wonderful home in sunny Arizona. Always such a treat.!
At this time of year, the neighborhood is busy getting ready for Halloween. They will close our short crescent street so the kids can safely wonder around 'ghost town'.
Then they will replace the pumpkin, the ghost and the witch for Santa Claus, the angels and the reindeer.
But [and] before that, we need to go through November. For a lot of people, November is a month where they start questioning their lives, their careers, their relationships or their lack of it, themselves and others.
Perhaps because of the cold and grey days we get here in North America, after the beautiful leaves have fallen from the trees, there is some type of sadness and even depression for some.
So I came up with this idea of tatoo!!

Just kidding!
I felt inspired in doing an 'uplifting' seminar which will help you find answers to those and more of your questions. You don't have to wait for the New Year to make new resolutions and take action. Every second, every minute, everyday of your life, you have a choice.
And in order to make choices, you need [want] to know what are the most important things for you in your life.

In this seminar you will:
 Discover your top 5 passions.
 Find out, what it is that stops you from living these passions.
 Learn to meet your thoughts and understand them.
 And more…be Inspired.

So if you are ready to live your Dream Life, a life of Passion, and be on track with your soul's purpose, then it might be the perfect time for you to consider this seminar.
Just go to Passionicity and sign up.
And if you know of someone that is going through a tough time, or could use a little bit more laughter & accomplishment in their lives, why not invite them to come along as well.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Musique de Robert Haig Coxon. Un gars des Laurentides, QC.
Sublime! Te transporte à l'intérieur. Brings you deep within!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In my first post I say that the purpose of this blog is to find out 'how' passionate people fight. Fight for their vision, their dream, their passion. The purpose of this blog is also to invite you to comment and share some of your life experience on how you fought for your passion, your whys, your pulse!.

My book is now in progress and I would like to include some of your life experiences in it. With your permission of course!
It could be passion about your business, your family, a hobby that you have, a foundation that you have created, etc...We all have something to learn from one another, from each other's experience and it doesn't have to be huge; it only has to be meaningful.
When was the last time you thought about the reasons of your being here? What is your role to play? Does love lead your life or is it fear?
I am inviting you to send me your private testimonial at
Looking forward in receiving your gifts of love.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I've shared the Press Release below for a very important reason. I know that some of you are afraid to bring forth your passions.
For whatever reasons, it might be that you are embarrassed to seek out what you want or afraid to speak your mind or conscious of what people might think. It might be that you are afraid to admit to them (your passions), thinking that you are just a dreamer and they will never happen. After all, who are you to think that big?

Or perhaps the only thing that is blocking you from realizing your heart's desire is yourself. Are you really clear about what you are asking for?

Let me tell you, when I lost my passions, and became numb, when I lost sight of all the treasures hidden inside of me, when I forgot the role I came to play and the need I came to serve, then I was afraid, I was terrified.
It was like being 'dead' in a 'live' body.

Then one day I realized that the Universe gives you everything you ask for. I looked at what was showing up in my life and I became even more terrified as I realized that I was the one attracting it. Everything I perceived was really a reflection of my own thoughts about myself.
Today, I am a conscious creator. I am responsible for what I see.Whatever I receive I know I've asked for it. I am grateful and I choose to enjoy, love and appreciate.

My big cat, Samadhi, has taught me to appreciate the simplistic things in life.

p.s: Not to worry! He did not eat the little chipmunk. Just holding him for a few seconds, made his day. Then he 'let it go'. Something we all need to learn. 'Let Go and Let Love'

The same is there for you. Your happiness is there for you...and you are the one to make it happen.

Monday, August 2, 2010

What is Passion~icity?

It's a little bit like 'synchron~icity'.
Wikipedia says: "Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner."

I say:" Passion~icity is where the experience of discovering your passions causally and effortlessly leads you to your purpose in life".

What is Passion?
Wikipedia says: "Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something"
I say that 'Passion' is:
What you love the most in your life.
The things that are the most important to you.
The things that you excel at.
The things you do without effort cause they are so natural to you.
The things that you could do for free, not being paid for.
The things that you do where and when you completely forget about time.
The things that makes you want to get up every morning with joy & excitement.
The things that makes you forget about eating.

And I am sure that you can think about a few more, can't you?

Do you know a few passionate people? How about some of the qualities they have?

And how about 'transparency'?

Wikipedia says: "Transparency, as used in the humanities and in a social context more generally, implies openness, communication, and accountability."

I will add: "Allowing the transmission of whom we really are, through our doings and taking responsibility for all that we create in our lives."

Paramahansa Yogananda says in the book "Journey to Self-Realization" : 'It is an insult to your Self to be born, live and die without knowing the answer to the mystery of why you were sent here as a human being in the first place'.

Perhaps this is the ultimate difference between some of us. Some of us have found the answer to the mystery and others are still searching for it. People living their life aligned with their passions have resolved the mystery. Others are still looking for clues to solve that mystery.
How can one find all the clues? It is pretty simple actually. Yet, simple but not that easy.
It is through the 'Willingness' of going 'Within'. The only place where one will find the answers.
Within, is where the source of ALL Consciousness is coming from. The source that is connecting us to ALL that is.
Why isn't easy? Because it also requires discipline, quietness, stillness and acceptance of all experiences. The pain, the pleasure, the lightness, the heavyness, the questions, the answers and the non-answers.

What is the purpose of this blog?
The purpose of this blog is to find out 'how' passionate people fight.
Not fighting as physical fight but more like 'striving'.
They fight for the truth, for the mystery, for the light, for the 'why, for the pulse.

And the pulse will give you wings!

The purpose of this blog is to invite you to comment and share some of your life experience on how you fought for your passion, your why, your pulse!.
So please come and fly with me!