Tuesday, November 22, 2011

To All Unstoppable Woman!

This book will certainly stand out because, it's not a product written from one woman's perspective. It is authored by 25 unstoppable women from the USA, to Canada. all the way to China and South Africa. Quite an adventure.

The book offers some great solutions to issues that usually plague women. Inside its pages, readers will find such titles as, "How to Detoxify Your Life", "What Men Really Want", "Mending Wounded & Broken Spirits", my chapter.:)

This book will officially be launched on January 1, 2012, but you can pre-order a copy now by going at Passionicity. Order your copy now and get it for only $15.00.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11/11/11 What is your Intention?

A new age of "Spiritual Uplift" has begun on our planet. There are now literally billions of Celestial beings here, all of whom have been especially trained to assist with changing the course of this planet.
Now is the time for cooperation and collaboration. Time of competition is over.

Set your intention NOW and support will be provided.
We all have access to the invisible truth. We all have the choice to leave the unconscious and be consciously conscious.(you will read about this in my book Soar with Vulnerability)
Let's start the day by choosing to be consciously aware. By the end of the day, let's post our intention. Let's take a minute to connect on 11/11/11 at 11/11.
Let's cross the bridge to our Oneness.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Technology with Purpose

We have great tools to connect together. Let's use it with Purpose to make a positive difference in people's lives.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Are you ready for the SHIFT?

I have enrolled in this amazing course with the unique Barbara Marx Hubbard. This big adventure is starting tomorrow night at 7:00pm. I am so exciting and wanted to share it with you. Any of you want to join me?

I actually had the honor to meet with her in person and even to hug her! LOL - on Friday night. She was here in Toronto, for a short conference Birth 2012. Saturday, we did SynCon - The word SYNCON stands for SYNergistic CONvergence. The purpose of SYNCON was to bring together conflicting groups and individuals to identify common goals and to match needs and resources, in light of the broadest horizon of choices and the new potentials of humanity at the growing edge of the sciences and psychologies.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Soon in my hands!

My book is almost here! It is very exciting. I am very busy preparing for trade shows, book signing events, media interviews, etc., I will keep you informed through this blog.
What is also very exciting is meeting with other co-authors from around the world Australia, Singapore, Africa, USA and of course Canada. I am looking forward in reading all the inspiring chapters that's for sure. Let me know if you would like a personalized copy :) You can also buy directly from my website at: www.passionicity.com
Talk to you soon and don't forget to ask yourself this question everyday
What Are You Manifesting?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Win a Signed Copy of Adventures in Manifesting: Health and Happiness

How would you like to win a free copy of the upcoming Adventures in Manifesting series? It's easy.
Here's how to do it:
Step 1: Subscribe to my blog through the Join this Site to the right.
Step 2: Be sure to get engaged in the blog posts over the next couple of months. I promise it will be very inspiring.

Each week over the next several weeks I will be asking "What Are You Manifesting?" in addition to other mentions from my blog posts.
Please engage in the conversation, start the process of manifesting yourself and you very well may find yourself the happy winner of Adventures in Manifesting: Health and Happiness signed by me.:) Plus you will make lots of new friends.

In about a month from now I'll be choosing the winner, as well as releasing for a limited time pre-release copies of the books for sale.

So here's my first...What are You Manifesting?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Time to share!

After a nice round of golf here in Arizona, it is time for me to share the book cover of my first published book as a co-author. If you click here you will see a bigger image.

As you can imagine being part of a book with Dr. Joe Vitale, from the Secret, Loral Langemeier and so many more talented authors is a moment of gratefulness in my life.

I am grateful for all my blessing. I am especially grateful to my partner Stan for all his patience and understanding. It is not always easy to live with a 'free spirit'. You can't tie them down. You want to let them SOAR!

This is part of the title of my own individual book coming out soon. But hey in the publishing world you never know what can happen!.

In the meantime it would be great if you could leave me some comments about Adventures in Manifesting. Let me know if you would like an autographed copy :),just say HI! or jump in for marketing ideas.

Thank you for your support, your listening and your secret passions.

What Are You Manifesting?

Exciting news!My book is coming out. It's called Adventures in Manifesting: Health and Happiness.It's with Dr. Joe Vitale, Loral Langemeier, Sandy Forster and many others. It has been an exciting adventure! The book was lovingly crafted by Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson all the way from Australia.

I would like to hear about you. What are you manifesting? It's a powerful question and one I recommend asking yourself and those around you. In fact, you may be pleasantly surprised as to in what ways this question will initiate manifestations in you life.
Engage in the power of manifesting by asking this question. And please leave a comment on what you are Manifesting today?

Make sure to stay tuned as the book cover will be posted real soon now! Thank you for you support.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Are you ready to live a life you LOVE?

Colleen & I were interviewed on Liquid Lunch on ThatChannel - WebTV.
You will have to fast forward to 1:08:10 to see us. :)
This interview was in June 2011.
Since then we have done three seminars and our fourth one is coming up in September 2011. You can register online at www.youarebeautifulpassiton.com
You can change your world and the world around you!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Unleash your Enthusiasm

I usually talk about unleashing your Passions, and today I suggest you unleash your enthusiasm; just let yourself go and dance the night away!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Vulnerability is a gift!

As you know I haven't made it to the finals in the Next Top Self Help Author competition, but nevertheless I have been working diligently on the completion of my book. I had a little detour to do in the past 10 days with another project, that had an earlier dead line. But now I am back on track.
My sharing today: what I have learned from the writing of each chapter of my book, is to go deeper and deeper into the reality of who I am really. In my book "Soar with Vulnerability - Insights from Freedom", soon to be published, I dedicate one full chapter on Vulnerability; I could have probably write my whole book on this.
I have prepared a short video pitch for my book.

Looking forward to some of your feedback.

Passion & Drive

It's already been six weeks since I've talked to you last. Wow! time really flies.Since April 14, 2011 I have been to Arizona twice. Just got back Sunday night. Even though being in Arizona is one of my passions, it is now time to share what I have been learning through my other passions.
First my new seminar for the summer. It is called
You can either go to the website or watch the short video below.

Colleen & I have decided to create this exciting 3 1/5 hour seminar to help you have a wonderful summer by living your passions. As you very well know, I myself, was lost for sometime until one day something happened to bring me back. We never know when or what that something is going to be. Some of us spend our entire life looking for our true calling and still, leave without finding it. In this energetic seminar you are sure to discover at least one of your top five passions and you will understand how your instinct and drive, will help you in the realization of it.
See you on the side!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My book is coming soon!

I haven't made it to round #2, and that's fine. There was a lot of competition and a great experience. I did make it in the Top 50 Vote Getters. So that tells me that some people did enjoy my video pitch!
I am still on track to complete my book by the end of April and launch over the summer.
Here's a short preview for you on my Facebook page.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

With Passion & your support, anything is possible!

Your comments and feedback means a lot to me. So please if you have one more minute, click here and leave me a short note. It would be greatly appreciated.

The competition started with over 650 contestants. Now, there is approx. 320 contestants from all around the world, Africa, England, Autralia, Canada, USA, and Iceland. In order to be an active contestant, we all needed to post our 'video pitch' by February 15, 2011. So here it is!
Now you have until February 28, 2011 to vote for me. But please don't wait until the last minute, you might forget!! Only 10% of the contestants will move on to round #2.
Once again, as you can see, my man is right beside me in this adventure. Sitting in the first row for critics and feedback, filming in three feet of snow, even losing his booth in the deepest of it and reviewing after each editing of the video.
We will get the results of the votes on March 15, 2011; until then I need to work on the book proposal and refining of the first chapter. Ouf! It's a lot of work but I love every part of it. Learning a lot!
Heading out to Boca Raton, FL, for a few days and then back in the heart of it all.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Competition is officially ON!

On this blog I will keep you updated on what's happening with the competition.
Please make sure to leave comments, suggestions, your name, your email, etc...so I can personnaly stay in touch with you.

Monday, January 10, 2011

I need your help!

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Now go to my site
and add your name on the first page with your email, your comments and advice.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

'N' for Natural

The rain is being the rain, the tree is being the tree, the rock is being the rock, the wind is being the wind.
Have you ever seen the rock trying to be the wind? Or the tree trying to be the rain?
Of course not! That's because they have totally and completely accepted their uniqueness of what they are. They are fully and completely living their purpose.

What can't we just do the same?
Why do we need to make it so complicated for ourselves and for others?
Why do we have the urge to hide so much? Why do we constantly try to be something or someone we are not?

It's time to take a closer look at the meaning of the word PASSION.
When you live your Passions you are unstoppeable.
When you become your Passions you blossom.
As you blossom, people start blossoming around you.

'O' for Opportunity.

The seed of opportunity lies every where around you and you certainly don't have to wait for someone to knock on your door to make it happen. Do it now. Create your own.
With every thought comes a choice. With every choice comes an opportunity.
When to act on these opportunities? When you know who you are, when you know your values and when you know your passions, you will know when an opportunity takes you closer to your purpose.
Opportunities are changes in life. And many people are afraid of changes, afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone. Remember this quote: "Change is the only constant". So why fight it? Embrace it and become free.

'I' for Inspiration

Inspiration is who and what you are.
Your emptiness becomes your fullness. Your stillness becomes your aliveness.
When you find it difficult to do a particular thing, it is only because you are blocking your own inspiration [your true essence], with thoughts, memory and beliefs.
So how do we get rid of these thoughts? How do we erase these memories?
By being aware of them. The more aware, the more conscious you become of them, the more they will dissapear as they are only illusions. Just pinched yourself once in a while!

I am sure you have realized by now, that everything always comes back to the same thing. Who's blocking you? Who's stopping you? You are.
You are, because instead of trusting your inspiration, you trust your beliefs and your thoughts.
As you are reading this, be aware of the thought that comes on the surface. Now, 'grab' that thought and spend some time with it. Where did this thought come from? How was she generated? How does she make you feel? If the thought does not make you feel good, then let it go and see if another thought would like to take it's place. Keep on doing this until no more thoughts come in conflict with your Inspiration!

"S" for Strength

What is Strength?
Strength is the courage, the power, the desire, the passion to live your 'strengths' fully.
What our your strengths?
Strengths are special talents and abilities unique to each of us. Unique strengths are your individual gifts, what makes you unique.
If your strengths are your special talents why would you need strength or courage to live them fully? Doesn't it sound a little paradoxical to you? Of course it does, but that's what so many people believe. And because they believe this thought, they are not living authentically.
How about you? Are you living your life, being who you really are? If your answer is no, then ask yourself why are you scared to acknowledge and accept who you are?
Are you afraid to sing because you assume others won't be interested? Are you afraid to speak your truth because you think it won't be respected? Are you afraid to be yourself because of what people may think or do? What is stopping you? Only YOU is stopping YOU.
As you start living your true self, you will also give the opportunity to others to live their true self and suddenly you will experience a whole different energy.
Honouring who you are is very powerful