Monday, August 2, 2010

What is Passion~icity?

It's a little bit like 'synchron~icity'.
Wikipedia says: "Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner."

I say:" Passion~icity is where the experience of discovering your passions causally and effortlessly leads you to your purpose in life".

What is Passion?
Wikipedia says: "Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something"
I say that 'Passion' is:
What you love the most in your life.
The things that are the most important to you.
The things that you excel at.
The things you do without effort cause they are so natural to you.
The things that you could do for free, not being paid for.
The things that you do where and when you completely forget about time.
The things that makes you want to get up every morning with joy & excitement.
The things that makes you forget about eating.

And I am sure that you can think about a few more, can't you?

Do you know a few passionate people? How about some of the qualities they have?

And how about 'transparency'?

Wikipedia says: "Transparency, as used in the humanities and in a social context more generally, implies openness, communication, and accountability."

I will add: "Allowing the transmission of whom we really are, through our doings and taking responsibility for all that we create in our lives."

Paramahansa Yogananda says in the book "Journey to Self-Realization" : 'It is an insult to your Self to be born, live and die without knowing the answer to the mystery of why you were sent here as a human being in the first place'.

Perhaps this is the ultimate difference between some of us. Some of us have found the answer to the mystery and others are still searching for it. People living their life aligned with their passions have resolved the mystery. Others are still looking for clues to solve that mystery.
How can one find all the clues? It is pretty simple actually. Yet, simple but not that easy.
It is through the 'Willingness' of going 'Within'. The only place where one will find the answers.
Within, is where the source of ALL Consciousness is coming from. The source that is connecting us to ALL that is.
Why isn't easy? Because it also requires discipline, quietness, stillness and acceptance of all experiences. The pain, the pleasure, the lightness, the heavyness, the questions, the answers and the non-answers.

What is the purpose of this blog?
The purpose of this blog is to find out 'how' passionate people fight.
Not fighting as physical fight but more like 'striving'.
They fight for the truth, for the mystery, for the light, for the 'why, for the pulse.

And the pulse will give you wings!

The purpose of this blog is to invite you to comment and share some of your life experience on how you fought for your passion, your why, your pulse!.
So please come and fly with me!

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