Tuesday, January 4, 2011

'I' for Inspiration

Inspiration is who and what you are.
Your emptiness becomes your fullness. Your stillness becomes your aliveness.
When you find it difficult to do a particular thing, it is only because you are blocking your own inspiration [your true essence], with thoughts, memory and beliefs.
So how do we get rid of these thoughts? How do we erase these memories?
By being aware of them. The more aware, the more conscious you become of them, the more they will dissapear as they are only illusions. Just pinched yourself once in a while!

I am sure you have realized by now, that everything always comes back to the same thing. Who's blocking you? Who's stopping you? You are.
You are, because instead of trusting your inspiration, you trust your beliefs and your thoughts.
As you are reading this, be aware of the thought that comes on the surface. Now, 'grab' that thought and spend some time with it. Where did this thought come from? How was she generated? How does she make you feel? If the thought does not make you feel good, then let it go and see if another thought would like to take it's place. Keep on doing this until no more thoughts come in conflict with your Inspiration!

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